escape room  Blackwater

Codename: Blackwater


There are rumors about a new chemical weapon producted by the army

Location: top secret facilities with the codename “Blackwater”

Target: get in the facilities and steal that new kind of bomb

Assemble your team and find the bomb

Don’t waste time… 


2 to 7 people

7+ years old


Location: Mastermind Korydallos (Agia Varvara)

2 people 46€
3 people 60€
4 people 76€
5 people 90€
6 people 102€
7 people 112€

Every Wednesday -15% discount (for that day)

With unemployment card – 10% discount
(For the player of the card holder)

Birthdays – 20% discount
(ID necessary)

Special prices for companies, groups.
The above discounts can not be combined.